NEW YORK – City Council members voted to pass Resolution 0561. Introduced by City Council Member Crystal Hudson, the resolution calls upon the New York State Legislature to introduce and pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation to create a statewide public guardianship system to address current inequities and deficits and to safeguard New Yorkers in need of protective arrangements.
This vote is an important win in what has been a long push to secure consistent, statewide funding for nonprofit guardians in New York. While Article 81 of New York’s Mental Hygiene Law states that a guardian must be provided for individuals who have been found incapable of reasonable decision-making, and are at risk of harm, there is no funding to ensure the availability of qualified guardians to serve. Furthermore, New York’s guardianship system is plagued by problems.
Over the last year, Jake Pearson of ProPublica has written several articles detailing issues ranging from an overwhelmed court system to fraudulent private guardians. Fortunately, this reporting alongside the advocacy of Guardianship Access New York’s (GANY) - a coalition of nonprofit guardians and allies calling for a Statewide Initiative of Nonprofit Guardians (SING) - has been instrumental in shaping conversations around guardianship reform. Resolution 0561 cites both as catalysts.
“It’s exciting our SING proposal has garnered the attention of city and state leaders,” said Kimberly George, President and CEO of Project Guardianship, which is also a founding member of GANY. “We’ve known for a long time that bolstering nonprofit guardians is the first major step in overhauling guardianship in New York. We must first address the overwhelming number of guardianship cases without good guardians to appoint before we can tackle other issues,” she added.
“For too long, access to ethical, high-quality guardianship has been inconsistent, leaving too many older adults and New Yorkers with disabilities without the support they need,” said Council Member Crystal Hudson, sponsor of Resolution 0561. “I’m proud to sponsor this resolution that urges the State to finally create a system in which people in need of guardianship can have confidence. By fully funding nonprofit guardianship, we’ll meet the need for the system while removing the potential harm of a profit-motivated guardian that we’re all too familiar with. I thank the City Council for passing a resolution in support of this proposal and look forward to working with Project Guardianship and other advocates to make this plan a reality for the nearly 28,000 people under the care of a court-appointed guardian in our state.”
Beyond Council Member Hudson, early champions of SING include State Senators Scarcella-Spanton and Jackson, Assembly Member Lavine, and Senate and Assembly Aging Committee Chairs, Cleare and Seawright. In addition, the SING proposal received backing from the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Caucus which this year included the proposal in their People’s Budget. Other supporting organizations and community groups include AARP, New York State Association of Counties, New York Public Welfare Association, and LiveOn NY.
"Every New Yorker deserves to live with dignity and protection, especially our most vulnerable neighbors who cannot advocate for themselves. The passage of Res 0561-2024 is a critical step towards creating a statewide public guardianship system that will address longstanding inequities and ensure that those in need receive the care and support they deserve. I applaud Council Member Crystal Hudson for her leadership on this vital issue and stand with my colleagues in calling on the State Legislature and the Governor to take swift action to safeguard the rights and well-being of all New Yorkers," said Council Member Dr. Nantasha Williams.
“Far too many vulnerable New Yorkers are left without the critical protections they need due to the gaps in our guardianship system. This resolution represents a step toward ensuring equity and safeguarding those in need. I am proud to co-sponsor this effort and urge the State to take swift action to establish a comprehensive public guardianship system that provides the care and oversight our most at-risk residents deserve,” said Council Member Mercedes Narcisse.
"A just society is measured by how it protects its most vulnerable. For too long, New York’s guardianship system has failed those who need it most, especially our elders in Black and Latino communities, leaving them without the dignity and support they deserve. Investing in the Statewide Initiative of Nonprofit Guardians (SING) is more than a budget line—it is a commitment to justice,” said Senator Robert Jackson. “As a Senate Champion for SING, I am dedicated to expanding access to compassionate, high-quality guardianship services so that every older New Yorker, regardless of income, can age with dignity and security. We must act now."
“As Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, & Asian Legislative Caucus, protecting the dignity and well-being of vulnerable New Yorkers is a top priority. That’s why the Caucus supports $15 million for the Statewide Initiative of Nonprofit Guardians (SING) to provide person-centered guardianship services to hundreds of New Yorkers annually. This funding will sustain vital programs, expand services into marginalized communities, and ensure those without family or friends have access to nonprofit support instead of profit-driven entities. This investment creates a more equitable elder care system, and our members are committed to ensuring its success,” said Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages, Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.
Ultimately, non-profits are hoping that the governor and state legislators answer the resolution’s call by funding SING in the State Fiscal Year 2026 budget this April.